Parent Information

EdSmart is our whole school communication tool, which is used to send excursion permission forms and information broadcasts to parents via email. This digital system replaces the printed forms that were formerly sent home for parents to complete and return. Instead of paper forms coming home in students’ schoolbags, parents are sent an email notification with a link to click that opens a secure web page version of the form to complete and submit. This can be done on a phone, tablet or computer (an internet connection is required).

Our school community enjoys many and varied events and activities such as camps, sleep overs and excursions. A highlight for many is Harmony Day, a day dedicated to celebrating diversity and living harmoniously.  Our End of Year Performance and Art Show/Display are biannual events. In addition, we also celebrate Grandparents/VIP Open Days and Learning Expos.

Children are required to wear a red top, black bottom, and red bucket hat as part of our school uniform.  Please refer to our school’s uniform policy.


Principal’s School Tour

Term 3: 9:15am, Thursday 15th August

If you wish to be a part of our Principal Tour group on one of the above dates, please RSVP by telephone 8293 1863 or email

A summary from our most recent parent opinion survey; what are the strengths of our school?

All welcoming community feel. Open, honest, strong community base, culture of belonging, equality, discipline, inclusion, empathy, diversity & multicultural community. Diversity of opportunities in the arts, sport. Great learning programs; music, intervention, individual learning awareness, literacy, numeracy. Challenging my children.

The fairness and openness of the teaching staff, willing to achieve better outcomes for the children. Staff are caring, professional and involved. They are open-minded and teach wholeheartedly; invested in their own development and relationships with families. Credit to the educators for blending their personal lives with their teaching lives. Friendly and organised front office and leadership staff. The awareness that all children have unique talents and the educators support these talents and endeavours.

Our school is good at communicating with students, parents and teachers. Good speed of dealing with parental concerns, the children’s personal goals and passions are celebrated. The school encourages the students to treat others with respect. OSHC and vacation care service is wonderful.

We are very proud of the school. We have built a wonderful learning community where all people belong. Great school, keep up the good work!

School Newsletters